02 : About me


BSc in Business Administration | Ankara, TURKEY | Sep 2017 – May 2022

- Notable Courses: Economics, Calculus, Statistics, Financial Accounting, International Finance, Operations Research, Marketing Management, Database Management Systems


Summer Exchange Program | New-Jersey, USA | May - June 2015

- Received extensive training in entrepreneurship, democracy, and leadership, emphasizing the skills necessary in dynamic business landscape


One-Year Exchange Program | Michigan, USA | Aug 2014 - May



Software Automation Developer | Baku, AZERBAIJAN | Jan 2022 - Present

- Developing and maintaining UI (User Interface) automation scripts using Python, JavaScript, Selenium WebDriver, Appium, and GCP (Google Cloud Platform), resulting YoY growth rate of 30% in GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume)

- Building and monitoring responsive full-stack web applications in jQuery and Flask. Utilizing asynchronous, multithread, and parallel processing paradigms to improve user experience

- Successfully integrated third-party APIs into the existing software ecosystem, resulting in improved data accuracy and system efficiency

- Designing an efficient horizontal scaling technique, configuring reverse-proxy for load balancer using Round Robin algorithm to increase the capacity and performance of a system

- Leading the implementation of a CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Delivery) pipeline using GitHub Actions in a Docker’s containerized environment, improving deployment speed by 75%

- Maintaining and updating test environments using Docker and Kubernetes clusters, resulting in more efficient and reliable test runs

Operations Specialist | Baku, AZERBAIJAN | Apr – Nov 2021

- Designed forecasting models to predict future trends and performance. Collected, analyzed, and interpreted data to identify patterns.

Recent Projects

UI Automation Scripts

- Developed more than 30 highly scalable, secure, efficient, well-documented UI (User Interface) automation scripts in Python using Selenium WebDriver

- Strictly followed OOP design patterns such as: POM (Page Object Model), Factory Method, Chain of Responsibility

- Established 24/7 ecosystem for automatic driver activation, driver de-duplication, vehicle activation, driver fraud scoring system, pricing reviews

- Implemented Google’s Cloud Vision AI (Optical Character Recognition), Sheet, Distance Matrix, and Drive APIs

Full-Stack Web Applications

- Designed and developed 2 full-stack web applications using HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, and Tailwind CSS for the frontend

- Implemented the backend using Python, Flask, RESTful API, along with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, and utilized PostgreSQL and SQLAlchemy ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)

- Established a Webpack, server-side Session and Caching system. Developed highly secure user authentication methods applying CSRF tokens and preventing XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)

- Successfully developed an API gateway to forward client requests to an internal admin panel that triggers Selenium WebDriver service

- Deployed on Google Cloud Run using Docker Container, with GUnicorn (WSGI HTTP Server) and Nginix reverse proxy for load balancing

Competitor Data Crawler

- Created an automated data crawler (i.e., data scraper) that collects publicly available competitor’s data which is fully compliant with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

- Developed and maintained large Python code base using Appium, Selenium, Android Virtual Device (emulator), ADB (Android Device Bridge), Frida Toolkit for rooted Android emulator

- Built an efficient algorithm, to bypass in-app UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) device blocks for infinite requests

- Data management layer was established in PostgreSQL on Google Cloud SQL Platform

Additional Information

Licenses & certifications

Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences - CS50 | Berkeley EECS - CS 61A - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Technical Assistance of Product Safety | QNB Finansbank Certification | Rutgers University Entrepreneurship Diploma


Youth Leadership Program | Future Leaders Exchange Program

Volunteering & Charity

Azerbaijani Alumni Association Volunteer | PEACE Program Community Volunteer in the USA


Native Russian and Azerbaijani | Fluent English and Turkish


Python | JavaScript | jQuery| C# | C | PHP | SQL | HTML5 | CSS | Bootstrap | Webpack | Flask | Django | SQLAlchemy | Selenium | Appium | WebSocket | GNU | GIT | Docker | Kubernetes | GCP | CI/CD | Jira | ADB | ORM | Pandas | NumPy | Microsoft Office | Adobe Photoshop